Practical Applications of Binary Numbers in Everyday Life

Have you ever wondered how 0 and 1 are part of your daily life? If not, then this article is a must-read for you. In this post, we are going to walk you through some surprising applications of binary numbers. This concept may seem simple to you, but it plays a pivotal role in many aspects of our lives. Wondering how? Let’s explore.
What Is a Binary Number System?
Before we dive into further discussion, let’s first understand what a binary number system is. Basically, it is a numeral system that has a different base than a traditional number system. The base of this number system is 2, which is also a reason it is called a binary number system.
It mainly revolves around just two digits, 0 and 1. So, there are only two binary numbers, which is less than a decimal system that has 10 numbers. In a binary system, all the numbers of other systems are represented in just 0s and 1s. For instance, the binary value of 5 is 101, and 6 is 110. Similarly, the millions, billions, and even trillions can also be converted to binary numbers.
Various Applications Of Binary Numbers
Here are some of the main applications of binary numbers that show their importance in our daily lives:
Traffic Control System
Have you ever thought about how traffic lights turn to different colors automatically after a set time? Well, this is all due to logic gates in their circuits. It will be surprising to know for you that all the logic circuits work on binary numbers. Whether it is an OR gate or an AND gate behind a traffic light, all of these gates receive and propagate electrical signals in the form of 0 and 1. Modern traffic signals that use sensors to detect traffic in a particular lane are also based on binary numbers. This shows that it is very involved in the traffic management system.
Smartphone Functions
What if we say that smartphones will not be able to work if the binary number system doesn’t exist? Would you believe that? Well, believe it or not, it is the reality that mobile devices are unable to function without binary numbers. This is because every operation you do on a smartphone is controlled using a sequence of 0s and 1s. Whether it is text, image, or any type of other data, it is first converted to binary numbers so that the process can understand it. So, every function, from calling and video playing to editing a photo and opening an app, depends on binary calculations.
Home Appliances
Another main application of binary numbers is in electronic devices that you use in your daily life. Whether it is a cooking oven, electric geyser, heater, or another multi-functional electronic device in your home, all work on a binary system. Wondering how? Well, all such devices rely on microcontrollers that use binary code to perform their functions. For instance, when you press a button to change the mode of an oven, you basically provide a binary code to its chip. As the code is detected, the system cross-checks it with the predefined function, and hence the mode changes. The same is the case with all other home appliances.
Banking System
It would not be wrong to say that all digital banking relies heavily on binary number systems. Whether you send money online, use an ATM machine, or swipe your card, each of your transactions is first converted to a binary code. This is because all the banking software uses binary digits to understand the action you want to perform. Apart from that, the base-two numeral system is also used for keeping the user data secure. Binary-based encryption keeps your accounts safe from cyberattacks. As a result, you enjoy secure and seamless internet banking without any problem.
How Are Binary Calculations Performed?
Now that you know the applications, you must also learn how binary numbers are used in calculations. When it comes to performing binary operations in mathematical problems, this is usually done manually. However, when this system is applied to modern electronic devices and gadgets, advanced algorithms are brought to use. This is because binary calculations involve big numbers and complex conversions in real life that cannot be done manually.
To get an idea of how such big calculations are performed, you can capitalize on a robust online binary calculator. For instance, you can input the binary value of one million and a hundred million and then experiment with different operations on these numbers, such as addition, subtraction, division, etc. This will help you understand how complex calculations are involved in simple functions you perform on electronic devices.
Wrapping Up
In short, whether it is your everyday companion smartphone or a multi-functional electronic home appliance, binary numbers are used everywhere. The application binary system is not limited to just your homes, but you can also find its contributions in your surroundings. We hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of the base-two numeral system. So, from now on, binary numbers should be more than just a mathematical concept for you.